FVRSG & supporters go „under cover”…in support of refugees!

All seems quiet around FVRSG; but don’t be fooled, we have been working away, busily, in support of not only refugees but also our friends and relations, in times of Covid.

Talented and committed members of the group started sewing face masks as soon as the “M” word was out – doing “double-good” in the process!

Multi-patterned masks of highest specifications and following WHO guidelines, providing real protection especially for people whose health might already be compromised, were passed on to family, friends, supporters and the general public.  At least 200 masks, all hand-sewn under specific private orders, have been places so far.

In addition, mum of four Stephanie, from Faversham, whose daughter Becky is coordinator for the mobile Echo library bus in Greece, has been cooking up a marmalade storm, and we sold all the jars in aid of refugees.

 face mask

The resulting sales/donations enabled us to contribute to various very efficient organizations, who are often the first port of call at a time when refugees and displaced people face particularly severe challenges.

FVRSG was able to send donations to the value of GBP 5,250.00 to: Care4Calais; Help Refugees; Refugee Kitchen, Calais; the Refugee Council; PhoneCredit4Refugees; Echo Library, Greece and People to People Solidarity/Refugees in Paris, since early March 2020!

The latter Charity is a group we newly support; following please read a statement from one of the immensely grateful organisers, who is describing how funds are used.

It makes for humbling reading!

 We had recently organised a massive distribution of socks and underwear on the camps located in north parts of Paris, a place called Aubervilliers. There are around 800 refugees sleeping in tents or improvised shelter by the canal, in the industrial zone. 

Thanks to you and your group, and help from others, we managed to gather several volunteers and buy, prepare and distribute an amount of 600 pairs of socks and 297 boxers on the camp. It barely covered the need of half of the camp but still, it is quite helpful. Refugees need change of clothes, and they can’t even wash regularly their clothes – hence the scabies.  

Distribution was quite quick and successful; preparations took all morning.

Right after we distributed socks and boxers, we became aware of another problem: a severely ill diabetic guy from Somalia who struggled most of the time to get access to regular meals.

Skipping meals might cause severe issues to his health so we are trying to organize a group of volunteers to bring meals every day to the camp for him. We are also negotiating with several leaders in the camp. There are smaller groups on the go who are well organised and they regularly cook outdoors, in improvised  kitchens,  so we will try to buy them some groceries in exchange for a meal a day for Ali (not his real name), the Somalian refugee with diabetes. I hope that will work.  

Furthermore, we have several families with small children, babies who need diapers. They are housed in hotels provided by social service, but without any financial help, food or even a kitchen to cook in. They desperately need diapers and other necessities for babies/ toddlers.  So, we got more of those and some baby milk. “

Please continue to support FVRSG and hence refugees and displaced people, who are more in need than ever before.

NOTE: Face masks can STILL be ordered from the group – contact Clarissa Hanna on Clarissa.hanna@hotmail.com or call or leave a text message on 07974 929119, or contact Celia Mothes on 07710-928882.


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