
Mission Statement

We are a group of people from Faversham and nearby villages who work for justice & the relief of suffering for women, men & children who, forced from their homes, seek refuge from war, oppression, poverty & climate catastrophe.

Our next meeting is live, on Tuesday the 15th of March,

at 7 p.m. in the Faversham Guild Hall.

All welcome!

You can join our email list – just send a request to be added, using our contact form – and you can join our Facebook group.

Our activities so far include:

  • Collecting donations of money, food, clothes and more for people in the camps of Calais, Dunkirk and beyond;
  • Supporting those among us who go to volunteer with the humanitarian relief and solidarity efforts in France, Greece and elsewhere;
  • Creating opportunities, such as market stall days, to talk with our fellow townspeople and villagers about the crisis facing displaced people;
  • Lobbying those in power to do more to alleviate the suffering of displaced people making perilous journeys and to support and welcome those in the UK as they try to rebuild their lives here.

We are always open to suggestions for other activities, and we welcome your ideas.

Image credits: Click here for more information on photographs used on this site.